Detailed information on the variety sheets

The information on the Origin and Synonyms in the variety sheets comes from various pomological publications, such as the "Verzeichnis der Apfel- und Birnensorten" (Voetteler, 2005), the "Obstsorten Atlas" (Götz and Silbereisen, 1989) or the book "Apfelsorten" (Silbereisen, 1975).

The agronomic profile of the various apple varieties was created on the basis of surveys carried out over several years at the Laimburg Research Center (220 m above sea level) on test trees on M9 rootstock. At the Laimburg site there are mainly light alluvial soils of sandy-silty soil type. For more information on the climatic conditions at the Laimburg site, see:

The manual "Obst-Deskriptoren NAP" was used for a detailed description of the fruit and tree properties.
(; Szalatnay, 2006).

To assess the flowering time phenological surveys from at least 3 years at the Laimburg site were used. A classification is made between early (around Cripps Pink), medium (around Golden Delicious) and late (around Fuji) start of flowering.

The variety Golden Delicious, which is harvested at the Laimburg site in mid-September, was used as a reference to define the time of harvest.

The Classification of the susceptibility to scab and powdery mildew is based both on a running project at the Laimburg Research center, in which the susceptibility of over 200 apple varieties is assessed at three different locations with minimal use of fungicides, and on practical experience.

The determination of the Standard Quality Parameters of the fruits (fruit firmness, sugar content as soluble solids in ° Brix, acidity) is based on multi year measurements at harvest using the automated Pimprenelle machine (Setop Giraud technology, France).

The specific Weight was determined from the individual fruit weight and the underwater weight of the same fruit.

The tendency towards browning of the pulp was analyzed in the POMOSANO project; in particular, after a vertical cut of the fruits, both a visual and a colorimetric evaluation with a Minolta CR 300 colorimeter were carried out at time 0 and after 30 and 60 minutes at room temperature.

The Descriptions of the taste of the apple varieties are a synthesis of the tastings carried out by the pomology team at the Laimburg research center and an expert panel trained by the sensory working group.

The description of the Storability of the fruits is based on many years of experience in normal cold storage, sometimes combined with practical experience.

The data relating to juice production also come from the POMOSANO project; all monovarietal fresh press juices were produced using a standard method developed at the Laimburg Research Center (see article: Dal progetto europeo Pomosano: idoneità delle mele per succhi e "fresh cut" (2015). Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, 10, 30–37). The yield in juice of the varieties is classified as follows: very low yield (average yield < 35 %), low yield (35% ≤ average yield < 45%), medium yield (45% ≤ average yield < 55%), good yield (55% ≤ average yield < 65%), very good yield (average yield ≥ 65%).

To evaluate the Stability of the color the oxidation of the juices during the juice production process and after decanting was visually assessed (no, low, medium, strong, oxidation during juice production / after decanting).

All chemical analyzes were carried out on apples which were harvested at the optimal time ripening stage and stored for 60 days in normal atmosphere cold storage (14 days for varieties that were harvested before Gala). The analyses were carried out separately for the peel and pulp and for the monovarietal freshly pressed juices. The Content of total polyphenols was determined using spectrometry according to Folin-Ciocalteu. The antioxidant capacity (TAC) was recorded using the FRAP method (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) and the total content of anthocyanins was also determined using spectrometry. The vitamin C content was determined using liquid chromatography. The Pectins were determined gravimetrically after digestion with enzymes.

All information given in the variety sheets is without guarantee.

The POMOSANO project (No. 5-1a-238, CUP H21J12000060001) was supported and financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF 2007-2013). Some of the information used for the variety sheets comes from the APPLE-FIT project (No. 1-1a-56, CUP H21J08000370006), also funded by the ERDF 2007-2013 program.